AUGUST Vacation Practice

Practicing daily is the best way to deepen your experience with tai chi. Below are 2 videos. The first begins with our warm up and the gi gong followed by the Sun Style Tai chi for Arthritis (TCA)

The second is only the Sun style Tai chi for Arthritis (TCA) form. See if you can start to do the form  on your own. Start with small pieces.

Try to apply one of these principles to your form each time you practice. When you are ready, move to another principle. With time each principle will have more depth. They are divided into 3 categories

Slow, smooth continuous
Moving against gentle resistance
Alignment. upright even when knee is bent
Weight Transference – Be Aware when you transfer your weight
Loosening -SONG a chinese verb meaning Relax at its simplest level. More deeply it means:
Gently expand joints from within. Not Stiff but Strong
Focus on what you are doing. JING
Connect your Body to your Mind. Move softly while thinking of your intention.